Screen ManagementApplication ManagementDevice Local Application Remote Device ManagementRemote Device Management TagPrimeThe platform is the ideal solution for digital screen management, which includes media and scheduling tools.TagPrimeTagprime is a Tangible Asset Management...
Sociatag platform is a new and groundbreaking concept which works on the basis that any technological device can be programmed to complete a social action. A creative Lebanese team will come...
The InteractBoxes are interactive boxes are tools that allow users to interact and complete certain actions online. The boxes are connected to all social media platform through the Sociotag platform....
Charge your phone hassle free with Charging Box composed of 14 lockers, 12 for charging Androids and iPhones and 2 for tablets. Receive a unique printed bar-code that must be...
Given the increasing use of technology, its integration into daily activities has become second nature. The addition of interactive technology gives both consumer and brand a more valuable and beneficial...
360 Degree Video BarAn outfit can be viewed from a 360 degree angle. The viewing can be taped, played back and paused whenever needed. Event Mode FiltersLive view elements can...
Overlay FeatureA foreground image such as a logo, slogan, date, hashtag, or sentence is placed over a snapshot photo. It will always remain as a reminder of the special event....